Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin Price (BTC)

Here you can see the current Bitcoin price and its historical development. Bitcoin is one of the crypto currencies you can trade at BISON.
As of today (25.03.2025), the current Bitcoin (BTC) price is at 81,704.05 EUR, a -0.07% decreased as the previous day (24.03.2025) of 81,760.27 EUR.

Current Price 81.345,8051 0,00%
Time and Date Tuesday, 25.03.2025 17:26:00
24h Low 0,0000
24h High 0,0000
Last 52 weeks Low 0,0000 (01.01.1970)
Last 52 weeks High 0,0000 (01.01.1970)

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Bitcoin - Price Data

82.004,00 €
105.495,00 €23,0%
64 (20.01.2025)
79.984,00 €
51,30 €158.226,4%
4.281 (05.07.2013)

Bitcoin - Market Data

Rank 1
26.890.739.815,00 €
1.614.431.103.513,00 €0,0%
powered by Coingecko
Last updated: 2025.03.25 16:30

General information about Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin (BTC) is the world’s leading crypto currency and was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. The Bitcoin network is based on the Blockchain – a decentralized database in which all transactions are stored. Above you can see the current Bitcoin price, which is updated every five seconds. You can track the history and historical Bitcoin prices (in Euro) by using the tabs at the top of the chart. Bitcoin (BTC) is the best known digital currency in the world with by far the highest market capitalization. The crypto currency has the potential to become a serious alternative to cash, as Bitcoin is also accepted as a means of payment in some restaurants and online shops. When trading Bitcoin, it should be noted that the price is sometimes subject to strong fluctuations, which can affect the profit or loss. The BISON App makes trading Bitcoin and other digital currencies easy and uncomplicated.
You can find more information about how Bitcoin and the Blockchain work at: and on our website.

BISON makes trading Bitcoin and other digital currencies easy and uncomplicated. You can find more information about how Bitcoin and the Blockchain work at: and on our website. Trade Bitcoin (BTC) or other crypto currencies with BISON – simple, smart and reliable.

Interesting facts about the digital currency Bitcoin (BTC) at a glance

  • Bitcoins are created through mining
  • All transactions are listed in the blockchain
  • The currency (coins) of Bitcoin is called BTC
  • The first exchange rate for a Bitcoin in 2011 was 0.08 cents (USD)
  • Bitcoin was “invented” in 2008 by Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonymous)
  • Trading the currency Bitcoin (BTC) is easily possible with the BISON App

Always keep an eye on the Bitcoin price

Keep track of the prices of the tradable cryptocurrencies Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Chainlink (LINK), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP) and Uniswap (UNI) and stay always up to date what’s going on in the crypto world. Get the app now or register online!
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