Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum Price (ETH)

Here you can see the current Ethereum price and an overview of its historical development. Ethereum (ETH) is one of the crypto currencies you can trade at BISON.
As of today (13.02.2025), the current Ethereum (ETH) price is at 2,573.14 EUR, a 1.47% increased as the previous day (12.02.2025) of 2,535.40 EUR.

Current Price 2.570,4618 -9,22%
Time and Date Thursday, 13.02.2025 10:25:24
24h Low 2.831,5743
24h High 2.831,5743
Last 52 weeks Low 2.010,2628 (07.09.2024)
Last 52 weeks High 3.788,8076 (09.12.2024)

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Ethereum - Price Data

2.831,57 €
4.228,93 €39,2%
1.170 (01.12.2021)
2.831,57 €
0,38 €673.714,1%
3.404 (20.10.2015)

Ethereum - Market Data

Rank 2
26.456.295.194,00 €
309.793.407.475,00 €1,8%
powered by Coingecko
Last updated: 2025.02.13 09:30

Ethereum Price (ETH)

Like Bitcoin and Litecoin, Ethereum is based on blockchain technology, but unlike Bitcoin it is not a pure crypto currency. The digital currency of Ethereum is Ether (ETH). Ethereum itself is a platform that is used for Dapps (decentralized apps) and allows the creation, management and execution of Smart Contracts. The Ethereum system allows Dapps to take advantage of crypto currencies and blockchain technology. The current Ethereum price (ETH) and its historical history can be seen in the chart above. Like most crypto currencies, Ethereum can be subject to high fluctuations, which must be taken into account when trading. You can find more information about Ethereum and how it works at: Ethereum (ETH) and other digital currencies can be traded with BISON – easy, smart and reliable.

Interesting facts about the digital currency Ethereum (ETH) at a glance

  • Ethereum sees itself as the basis for an Internet in which the user possesses his data and in which everyone has access to an open financial system that is not controlled by any company or individual
  • Ethereum provides Dapps with its own blockchain
  • The crypto currency of Ethereum is Ether (ETH)
  • Smart Contracts are programs that are executed automatically when a certain amount is transferred to Ether
  • Ethereum uses its own peer-to-peer network in which participants can exchange data without a central server
  • Ethereum published in July 2015
  • Trading the currency Ethereum (ETH) is reliably possible with BISON

Always keep an eye on the Ethereum price

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