Decentraland (MANA)

Decentraland Price (MANA)

Here you can see the current Decentraland price and its historical development. Decentraland is one of the crypto currencies you can trade at BISON.
As of today (14.09.2024), the current Decentraland (MANA) price is at 0.25 EUR, a -2.41% decreased as the previous day (13.09.2024) of 0.25 EUR.

Current Price 0,2478 -1,16%
Time and Date Saturday, 14.09.2024 17:25:23
24h Low 0,2449
24h High 0,2554
Last 52 weeks Low 0,2246 (07.09.2024)
Last 52 weeks High 0,7111 (12.03.2024)

Decentraland - Price Data

0,26 €
5,21 €95,2%
1.024 (25.11.2021)
0,24 €
0,01 €3.033,1%
2.510 (31.10.2017)

Decentraland - Market Data

Rank 128
24.165.490,00 €
462.443.072,00 €2,6%
powered by Coingecko
Last updated: 2024.09.14 16:30

General information about Decentraland (MANA)

Based on a virtual reality (VR) game, this cryptocurrency runs on the Ethereum blockchain. Today, the currency is used for every game in Decentraland. In this 3D virtual world, users can buy, cultivate, and monetize land, as well as purchase goods and services on the Decentraland marketplace. MANA is an ERC-20 token and can also be used to, for example, purchase avatars and wearables. Users are in full control and collectively determine the decision-making processes within this virtual world through the Decentraland DAO.

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