Basic Attention Token (BAT) - Brave Browser Token Price
Here you can see the current Basic Attention Token (BAT) price and its historical price. Basic Attention Token (BAT) is one of the cryptocurrencies you can trade on BISON.
As of today (28.03.2025), the current Basic Attention Token (BAT) price is at 0.13 EUR, a -9.25% decreased as the previous day (27.03.2025) of 0.14 EUR.
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Brave browser, released in 2016, promises “the best privacy on the internet”. With a market share of less than 1 percent (Source: Statista, August 2023), Brave is not widely used at present, but it has its own cryptocurrency, the Basic Attention Token (BAT).
Table of contents
How does Basic Attention Token work, and what does it have to do with the Brave browser?
Users of the Brave browser can earn BAT. Brave generates revenue through user engagement and advertisers who must pay for advertising measures in BAT.
Wie funktioniert der Basic Attention Token?
Brave automatically blocks all internet advertisements. For example, if you want to read an article on Süddeutsche Zeitung’s website, using Chrome or Safari would show a lot of advertisements implemented by Süddeutsche Zeitung. By default, Brave blocks these ads, providing users with an undisturbed browsing experience. To earn BAT, users must activate Brave’s advertisements. However, these do not directly replace existing ads. Brave’s ads appear in different ways, such as when opening a new tab or as pop-ups (Source: Brave).
Ad blockers have always been controversial among content creators like YouTubers or newspapers, as they generate part of their revenue from advertising. Free or reduced-cost content in exchange for advertising is a common model. Brave has been criticized for blocking the advertising of content creators and placing its own ads.
How do advertisers use BAT to advertise in the Brave browser?
Users of the Brave browser earn BAT by activating Brave advertisements. On the other side are companies that want to place ads on the Brave Ad Network. At first glance, this doesn’t differ much from other ad networks like Google AdSense or Taboola’s Native Ads. However, Brave boasts high data privacy (which is usually less advantageous for advertisers who receive less data). Additionally, the advertisements must be paid for in BAT. According to Brave, 70% of the advertising costs are distributed to the users (Source: Brave).
What can Brave users do with BAT?
The Basic Attention Token is stored in a wallet. Therefore, BAT can be easily transferred from the wallet to a crypto trading platform, where it can be sold or exchanged for other cryptocurrencies. Brave also offers the option to directly exchange BAT for vouchers. Furthermore, users can tip content creators with BAT, but creators must set up an account for this (Source: Brave).