Uniswap Price (UNI)
Here you can see the current Uniswap price and an overview of its historical development. Uniswap (UNI) is one of the crypto currencies you can trade at BISON.
As of today (25.03.2025), the current Uniswap (UNI) price is at 6.44 EUR, a -0.59% decreased as the previous day (24.03.2025) of 6.48 EUR.
Current Price | 6,4576 0,00% |
Time and Date | Tuesday, 25.03.2025 17:26:00 |
24h Low | 0,0000 |
24h High | 0,0000 |
Last 52 weeks Low | 0,0000 (01.01.1970) |
Last 52 weeks High | 0,0000 (01.01.1970) |
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Uniswap - Price Data
Uniswap - Market Data
Last updated: 2025.03.25 16:30
Table of Contents
General information about Uniswap (UNI)
Uniswap (UNI) is the world’s largest decentralized cryptocurrency exchange (DEX). It is based on the Ethereum blockchain and relies on smart contracts to simplify transactions and execute them in an automated manner. If you want to trade this coin and are interested in tracking the current Uniswap price (UNI), then BISON is just what you need.
The world of cryptocurrencies offers you numerous opportunities to buy, sell, and trade tokens. Among them is Uniswap (UNI), a decentralized exchange based on Ethereum. It relies on smart contracts, the intelligent form of automated contracts. Smart contracts are negotiated by those participating in an exchange themselves. This is a concept that fits well with Uniswap (UNI), as the platform does not act as a middleman and does not involve centralized control. The platform offers you the possibility to exchange coins and supports Ethereum as well as many other coins.
An overview of all the important features and characteristics of Uniswap (UNI):
- Large network: Uniswap (UNI) is another coin based on the Ethereum network – a particularly large and secure network.
- Recent launch: Uniswap (UNI) has only been available since 2020, making it a young cryptocurrency with plenty of potential for development.
- Clear pricing: Uniswap (UNI) prices are calculated using a specific formula, ensuring transparency.
- Decentralized crypto exchange: Uniswap (UNI) is decentralized and thus does not involve any interference from a central authority. You can even trade on the weekends.
1. General information about Uniswap (UNI)
Uniswap is essentially an Ethereum DEX. This means that Uniswap is technically based on the Ethereum blockchain and that it is a decentralized network. Unlike centralized exchanges, Uniswap does not act as a middleman, but uses a liquidity pool to achieve the highest possible market efficiency.
Uniswap has been around as a technology since 2018, and its token (UNI) was introduced to the global public by Uniswap in September 2020. In conjunction with the token’s launch there was an airdrop in which the platform distributed 60 percent of all available UNI tokens to its community of users. A crypto airdrop is a free distribution of tokens to all cryptocurrency holders. Such actions can occur time and again in the world of cryptocurrencies. Their purpose is to draw attention to a new currency and increase its popularity.
Many of the most traded cryptocurrencies today originate from the United States – Uniswap is also based in the United States. One unique feature of Uniswap is that there is no fee for exchanging tokens. Many other DEXs impose a fee.
To use the platform, you typically need to have a wallet and connect it to Uniswap. If you use BISON, you’ll have an easier time – you won’t have to deal with the technical features of Uniswap and can focus on your transactions instead. Plus, you only use one wallet for all the cryptocurrencies that you trade through BISON.
2. Interesting facts about Uniswap (UNI)
Uniswap is one of the most recent cryptocurrency exchanges – the network has only existed since 2018. The founder, Hayden Adams, previously worked at Siemens AG as a mechanical engineer. He coded the exchange himself using the programming language Solidity. Uniswap’s operating system is currently in version V3.
At the start of Uniswap’s existence, massive investments were made by well-known venture capitalists, including Paradigm Venture Capital. Time and again, well-known investors have invested in Uniswap, strengthening the network.
You’ll understand Uniswap better if you know what Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is. DeFi refers to all decentralized applications in finance. Decentralized financial markets are experimental and based on smart contracts and autonomous organization as enabled by blockchain technology. DeFi is in direct competition with the traditional world of banking, which relies on centralized structures. Uniswap is one of the important representatives of this new architecture.
3. How did the current Uniswap (UNI) price come about?
Uniswap’s current price (UNI) is calculated from the ratio of tokens that users buy from the pool and tokens that they sell to the pool. This is one of the special features of Uniswap (UNI); pricing is based on the formula x * y = k, commonly known as the “constant product formula”. For every withdrawal from the pool, there must be a deposit in a certain ratio to maintain the constant k. The ratio of tokens in the pool and the “constant product formula” thus determine the price.
4. What factors affect the Uniswap (UNI) price?
Several factors have an impact on the price of Uniswap (UNI). Note that a Uniswap (UNI) is based on pairs of tokens. The pricing involves how these two tokens relate to each other in the pair. If someone wants to create a new token and calls it “New Token”, for example, they automatically establish a relationship with Ethereum (ETH) through their deposit into the pool. If they deposit one ETH and ten New Tokens, the formula looks like this:
x * y = 1 * 10 = k = 10
So if you want to buy 10 New Tokens, you have to pay one ETH. Now, the price changes when someone buys New Tokens from the pool and uses ETH for it (the New Token price increases) or when someone increases liquidity by depositing ETH. When someone sells or withdraws liquidity, the price correspondingly decreases.
5. Share price history: Milestones in the Uniswap (UNI) evolution
Uniswap was developed in 2018, and the token’s official launch took place on September 17th, 2020, so its price trends can be observed since that point in time. Initially, its price was well below one euro and increased to over 4 euros by the end of 2020. A rally began in January 2021, lasting until May. In the course of this rally, the share price rose to its all-time high of over 37 euros. At the end of May, Uniswap (Uni) was once again trading below 13 euros.
This was followed by a steady recovery to over 23 euros in August 2021. In February 2021, Uniswap managed to reach a trading volume of 100 billion US dollars.
6. Buy Uniswap (UNI) in an easy and reliable way
As a service provided by the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, BISON allows you to buy Uniswap (UNI) and perform corresponding transactions. This service is aimed at both beginners and experienced investors who want to buy and sell cryptocurrencies in the most user-friendly way possible. Given that Uniswap (UNI) is the largest DEX, BISON has expanded its range of cryptocurrencies in a key area.
Trading works, for example, via the BISON app, which you can download to your smartphone or tablet at any time. The clear user interface makes it easy for you to carry out desired transactions. You can see the current Uniswap price (UNI) in the app and place your orders for buying and selling.
The BISON app is available for both iOS and Android mobile operating systems – simply download it from the respective app store. We also provide you a demo account so that you can learn how to trade with Uniswap (UNI) without using real money.
Once you have verified your account and made a deposit, you can start trading Uniswap (UNI) with real money. BISON is powered by the Stuttgart Stock Exchange and is headquartered in Germany – so if you’d like a solution for trading cryptocurrencies that’s made in Germany, our service is perfect for you.
Always keep an eye on the Uniswap price
Keep track of the prices of the tradable cryptocurrencies Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Chainlink (LINK), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP) and Uniswap (UNI) and stay always up to date what’s going on in the crypto world. Get the app now or register online!