Litecoin Price (LTC)
Here you can see the current Litecoin price and an overview of its historical development. Litecoin (LTC) is one of the crypto currencies you can trade at BISON.
As of today (25.03.2025), the current Litecoin (LTC) price is at 86.37 EUR, a -1.20% decreased as the previous day (24.03.2025) of 87.41 EUR.
Current Price | 86,3852 0,00% |
Time and Date | Tuesday, 25.03.2025 17:26:00 |
24h Low | 0,0000 |
24h High | 0,0000 |
Last 52 weeks Low | 0,0000 (01.01.1970) |
Last 52 weeks High | 0,0000 (01.01.1970) |
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Litecoin - Price Data
Litecoin - Market Data
Last updated: 2025.03.25 16:30
General information about Litecoin (LTC)
Like Bitcoin, the Litecoin network is based on the blockchain. In general, the parallels to Bitcoin are very strong, since Litecoin was also created as an alternative crypto currency to Bitcoin. Litecoin differs mainly in the faster transaction speed, the number of produceable coins (about four times higher than Bitcoin and about 84 million converging) and the algorithm used.
In the chart above you can see the current Litecoin price, which is updated every five seconds. As can be seen in the historical development of the price, the Litecoin price was subject to strong fluctuations in the past. When trading with Litecoin, the price development should be constantly monitored.
You can find more information about Litecoin at: litecoin.org.
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Interesting facts about the digital currency Litecoin (LTC) at a glance
- Litecoins are created through mining
- All transactions are listed in the blockchain
- Transactions are confirmed faster than with Bitcoin
- The abbreviation of Litecoin is LTC
- Litecoin is an open source project whose algorithm is different from Bitcoin
- Litecoin was released on Github on October 7, 2011 by Charlie Lee
- Trading Litecoin (LTC) currency is easy with BISON
Always keep an eye on the Litecoin price
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