Chiliz Coin

Chiliz Coin (CHZ) Price

Here you can see the current Chiliz Coin price and its historical trend. Chiliz Coin is one of the cryptocurrencies you can trade on BISON.
As of today (28.03.2025), the current Chiliz (CHZ) price is at 0.04 EUR, a -9.39% decreased as the previous day (27.03.2025) of 0.04 EUR.

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Chiliz - Price Data

0,04 €
0,74 €94,5%
1.476 (13.03.2021)
0,04 €
0,00 €977,3%
2.008 (28.09.2019)

Chiliz - Market Data

Rank 166
71.990.158,00 €
384.381.930,00 €7,4%
powered by Coingecko
Last updated: 2025.03.28 14:30

Table of contents

What is Chiliz Coin?

voting rights. Particularly in the world of sports (football, e-sports), the fan token economy has taken off. Chiliz’s first major partner was Juventus Turin. Through the associated platform and app, Socios, CHZ can be converted into fan tokens for Juventus Turin and other clubs. Fan tokens offer several advantages:


  • Decision influence: For example, Juventus Turin allowed fans with a fan token through the Socios app to choose a new goal celebration song. It’s important to note that the clubs have the final say on what fans can vote on. The fans don’t hold equity in the club and therefore cannot make demands.

  • Exclusive content: Token holders might gain access to unique content or experiences, like meeting players or accessing a special allotment of tickets.

  • Merchandising benefits: Fan tokens can be used to provide exclusive merchandise or discounts.

  • Value appreciation: Similar to other digital assets, the value of fan tokens can rise or fall depending on their demand. Some fans may view them as an investment.

  • Loyalty programs: Fan tokens can also be used as rewards in loyalty programs, rewarding the most dedicated fans.
Chiliz Coin App

Which clubs offer fan tokens through Chiliz?

Chiliz boasts over 82 fan tokens and more than 150 global sports partners. For instance, the Los Angeles Rams are represented in the Socios App but do not offer a fan token. This makes the offering appear larger than it is. None of the displayed clubs from the NFL (Football), NBA (Basketball), and NHL (Ice Hockey) offer a fan token on the Socios App. However, the range of available fan tokens is impressive, with clubs like Paris St. Germain, Inter Milan, AC Milan, SSC Napoli, Manchester City, FC Barcelona, and Galatasaray Istanbul all offering fan tokens through the Socios App by Chiliz.

What is Chiliz’s role with the Socios app?

Socios is the platform where fan tokens are offered. To purchase a fan token on, you need the digital currency Chiliz (CHZ). Chiliz uses blockchain technology and operates the platform on the Chiliz Chain. Thanks to blockchain technology, a fixed amount of fan tokens per club can be defined. Chiliz also utilizes other blockchain benefits like ownership verification and anti-counterfeiting for its fan token economy.

Eine Liste an Vereinen, bei denen man dank Chiliz partizipieren kann

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