Chainlink (LINK)

Chainlink Price (LINK)

Here you can see the current Chainlink price (LINK) and an overview of its historical development. Chainlink (LINK) is one of the crypto currencies you can trade at BISON.
As of today (25.03.2025), the current Chainlink (LINK) price is at 14.22 EUR, a 1.73% increased as the previous day (24.03.2025) of 13.98 EUR.

Current Price 14,2388 0,00%
Time and Date Tuesday, 25.03.2025 17:26:00
24h Low 0,0000
24h High 0,0000
Last 52 weeks Low 0,0000 (01.01.1970)
Last 52 weeks High 0,0000 (01.01.1970)

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Chainlink - Price Data

14,36 €
43,32 €67,2%
1.415 (10.05.2021)
13,78 €
0,13 €11.275,3%
2.673 (29.11.2017)

Chainlink - Market Data

Rank 13
356.088.824,00 €,00 €1,9%
powered by Coingecko
Last updated: 2025.03.25 16:30

Table of Contents

General information about Chainlink Price (LINK)

Chainlink (LINK) is built on Ethereum technology and serves as another decentralized blockchain project. It’s also a cryptocurrency that can now be traded via BISON. With BISON, you can keep an eye on what the current Chainlink price (LINK) is.


Today, as an investor, you have a wide variety of options when it comes to storing your money. One of them is Chainlink (LINK), a cryptocurrency that currently has a market capitalization of over 11 billion USD (as of August 2021)[8]. LINK – the token belonging to Chainlink – is an extension of ERC-20 and thus based on Ethereum, like many other tokens. LINK is an ERC677 token with special properties; this token can be used to feed data from off-chain sources into smart contracts. This is an important feature within networks to increase the utility of smart contracts. Here, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Chainlink (LINK) and why this cryptocurrency might be of interest to your trading.

An overview of all the key features and characteristics of Chainlink (LINK):

  • Exciting technology: Chainlink (LINK) makes smart contracts even more valuable by linking them to information from the outside world.
  • More investment options: Spread your money even wider across different cryptocurrencies.
  • Proven network: Chainlink (LINK) is based on Ethereum, a strong decentralized network with a large global community.
  • No devaluation: With Chainlink (LINK), you purchase a limited coin that is protected from any devaluations.

Always keep an eye on the Chainlink price

Keep track of the prices of the tradable cryptocurrencies Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Chainlink (LINK), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Ripple (XRP) and Uniswap (UNI) and stay always up to date what’s going on in the crypto world. Get the app now or register online!

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