Cookie notices


GroupingCompanyName of cookieStorageFunction
necessaryComplianzcomplianz_consent_status365 daysStores cookie consent intent on
necessaryComplianzcmplz_user_datasession basedDetermines which cookie banner is displayed
necessaryComplianzcomplianz_policy_id365 daysRecords the cookie policy ID for the accepted cookie policy
necessaryPolylangpll_languagepermanent (YES)Stores language settings
necessaryGoogle FontsGoogle Fonts API1 yearRequests the user IP address
Marketing / AnalysisFacebook_fbp3 monthsTracks visitors across web pages
Marketing / AnalysisFacebook_fbc2 yearsStores last visit
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookactppresence1 yearManages frequency of ads displayed
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookfbm*1 yearStores user details
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookxs3 monthsStores unique user ID
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookfr3 monthsEnables ad delivery and retargeting
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookdatr2 yearsPrevents fraud
Marketing / AnalysisFacebooksb2 yearsStores browser details
Marketing / AnalysisFacebook*_fbm_1 yearStores user details
Marketing / AnalysisBunchbox_bb2 yearsUnique ID from bunchbox for the user (browser)
Marketing / AnalysisBunchbox_bb_pd30 minutesTemporary storage of attributes passed to bunchbox for personalization.
Marketing / AnalysisBunchbox_bb_q1 minuteTemporary storage of bunchbox tracking calls in order to resend them after a redirect if necessary.
Marketing / AnalysisBunchbox_bb_t2 yearsMemory of the assignment of this user (Browser) to the variants in the experiments in which the user participates
Marketing / AnalysisBunchbox_bb_verifySessionTest cookie to check if setting first-party cookies is possible under the given domain.
Marketing / AnalysisGoogle Analytics_gid1 dayCounts and tracks page views
Marketing / AnalysisGoogle Analytics_gat1 yearStores anonymized statistics
marketing / analysisGoogle Analytics_ga1 yearsCounts and tracks page views
Marketing / AnalyseGoogle Ads_gcl_aupersistentStores and tracks conversions
Marketing / AnalyseTradedoublertluid30 daysIdentify the visitor and optimize advertising relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple websites.
otherYouTubeYSCSessionStores unique user ID
otherYouTubePREF1 yearTracks visitors across web pages


GroupingCompanyName of cookieStorageFunction
necessaryComplianzcomplianz_consent_status365 daysStores cookie consent intent on
necessaryComplianzcmplz_user_datasession basedDetermines which cookie banner is displayed
necessaryComplianzcomplianz_policy_id365 daysRecords the cookie policy ID for the accepted cookie policy
necessaryPolylangpll_languagepermanent (YES)Stores language settings
necessaryGoogle FontsGoogle Fonts API1 yearRequests the user IP address
Marketing / AnalysisFacebook_fbp3 monthsTracks visitors across web pages
Marketing / AnalysisFacebook_fbc2 yearsStores last visit
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookactppresence1 yearManages frequency of ads displayed
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookfbm*1 yearStores user details
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookxs3 monthsStores unique user ID
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookfr3 monthsEnables ad delivery and retargeting
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookdatr2 yearsPrevents fraud
Marketing / AnalysisFacebooksb2 yearsStores browser details
Marketing / AnalysisFacebook*_fbm_1 yearStores user details
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookwd1 weekSets screen resolution
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookact90 daysKeep user logged in
Marketing / AnalysisFacebookc_user90 daysStore unique user ID
Marketing / AnalysisBunchbox_bb2 yearsUnique ID from bunchbox for the user (browser)
Marketing / AnalysisBunchbox_bb_t2 yearsMemory of the assignment of this user (Browser) to the variants in the experiments in which the user participates.
Marketing / AnalysisGoogle Analytics_gid1 dayCounts and tracks page views
Marketing / AnalysisGoogle Analytics_gat1 yearStores anonymized statistics
Marketing / AnalysisGoogle Analytics_ga2 yearsCounts and tracks page views
Marketing / AnalysisGoogle Ads_gcl_aupersistentStores and tracks conversions
Marketing / AnalysisTradedoublertluid30 daysIdentify the visitor and optimize advertising relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple websites.
otherYouTubeYSCSessionStores unique user ID
otherYouTubePREF1 yearTracks visitors across web pages


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iOS Store:

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Google Play Store:

  • 4,6 Sterne von insgesamt 10.000 Bewertungen (letzter Abruf: 10.02.2025) Google Play Store