Calculate your staking rewards
Earn rewards just by holding your crypto. The staking calculator estimates the rewards you can earn based on the current Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Currently, we offer Ethereum (ETH) for staking on BISON, and we’re actively working on adding more cryptocurrencies to our staking feature and incorporating them into the staking calculator.
How to use the staking calculator
The BISON staking calculator is easy to use, allowing you to quickly estimate your potential rewards. Here’s how it works:
- Amount: Enter the amount you want to stake, either in euros or ETH.
- Timeframe: Select the duration for which you’d like to stake Ethereum. By default, it’s set to 12 months.
- APR: The current Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is automatically updated in the calculator from our system. Please note that it changes hourly.
- Results: The calculator will display your estimated returns over your selected timeframe, broken down by day, week, month, and year. Results are shown in both euros (based on the current Ethereum rate) and ETH.
The staking calculator uses the current staking reward paid out to BISON customers as the basis for its calculations. The staking reward is based on the network reward, the amount of which can change hourly depending on protocol activity (see our special staking conditions). The actual amount of staking rewards and the achievable return may therefore fluctuate and could be higher or lower than expected. A fixed return cannot be predicted or guaranteed. The values provided are merely an estimate based on the current staking rewards paid out to BISON customers.
What is staking?
Staking involves holding your chosen cryptocurrency in a digital wallet while it’s used to help validate transactions and build consensus within a blockchain network. In return for your support, you regularly receive additional cryptocurrency units. By actively participating in the crypto ecosystem, you can generate passive income!
Staking is only available for cryptocurrencies that use the Proof-of-Stake mechanism. These include Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL), Tezos (XTZ), The Graph (GRT), Polygon (MATIC), Cardano (ADA), and Polkadot (DOT). Bitcoin, which uses the Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism, is not eligible for staking.
What are staking rewards?
Staking rewards are additional cryptocurrency units earned when you stake your coins in a Proof-of-Stake blockchain for validation purposes.
What does APR mean?
APR stands for “Annual Percentage Rate” and refers to the effective annual interest rate. The rate of staking rewards fluctuates daily and is influenced by several factors, including overall protocol activity and the number of staking participants. As a result, only an approximate range can be provided. The effective APR for Ethereum staking on BISON is between 2-5%.
When will I receive my staking rewards?
Your staking rewards will be credited to your BISON account every Monday, depending on when you first started staking.
What are the benefits of staking with BISON?
Insured Staking
To protect you from the risks of staking, we’ve partnered with Munich Re to develop an innovative staking insurance. As a secure staking platform, BISON takes a pioneering role by safeguarding you against slashing.
Staking with small amounts
With BISON, you can participate in staking ETH with very small amounts. Start with as little as 0.005 ETH and receive weekly rewards!
Renowned partners from Germany
For our staking service, we rely on well-known and reliable partners based in Germany: Munich Re, a global leader in reinsurance, primary insurance, and insurance-related risk solutions, and the renowned staking provider, Staking Facilities.
Secure custody of your ETH
As part of Boerse Stuttgart Group, with over 160 years of experience in capital markets, we adhere to the highest security standards. When you stake with BISON, your cryptocurrencies remain securely held in trust by Boerse Stuttgart Digital Custody GmbH, a subsidiary of the Boerse Stuttgart Group, which holds the MiCAR license by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). Additionally, your coins are protected by insurance and a multi-layered security framework, backed by our ISO 27001-certified information security management system.